5 Most Mysterious Ghost photos which puzzled the world

5 Most Mysterious Ghost photos which puzzled the world

Did  you believe in ghosts, if you don't I invite you to see the following stuff of mysterious ghost photos of objects were interpreted as ghosts and were not found in the time of picking up the photos. See them and give me you interpretation

5 - Goddard’s Squadron photograph
Taken in 1919, May (published in 1975)

Sir Victor Goddard revealed this photo in the year 1975, but the photo was taken in 1919. In the photo appeared Goddard who was a Retired R.A.F officer, and behind him appears a face, which belongs to Freddy Jackson, who was identified as an air mechanic and had been killed by an airplane propeller and his funeral took place in the same time of taking the photo.

4 - The Watertown Ghosts

In that photograph two ghosts of James Courtney and Michael Meehan who were two crewmen of the tanker S.S Watertown, and were killed by gas fumes when they are cleaning the cargo tank of the ship, and they buried at the sea on December 4, 1924. The first officer of the ship reported seeing their faces on December 5 and so did every member of the crew till Captain Keith Tracy picked that photo among six photos by his camera, which in it appears two faces of the two killed men. 

3 - Creepy shadow ghost

It is also called the falling body or the dead body falling from the ceiling. And as it appears in the photos, there is a shadow or body falling from the ceiling. The copper's family picked that photo in their new home in Texas and there was no anything unreal when taking the photo, but that creepy shadow appears thereafter in the photo

2 - The Brown Lady of Raynham Hall

In the photo appears shadow of a lady descending the staircase of Raynham Hall of Raynham palace. The photo was taken by photographers of the British magazine Country life, Captain Provand and his assistant Indre Shira, on December 19, 1936. The shadow or the ghost of the photos is of Lady Dorothy, the wife of Lord Charles the owner of the palace who tortured her after imprisoned her in the palace then killed her.

1 - Tulip staircase Ghost

This photograph was taken by Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Hardy, while they were visiting the Queen's house in the national navy museum in Grenetch in England. When returning to Canada they noticed and after developing their photograph, it appears in it a shrouded figure ascending the staircase.


5 Most Expensive Things Ever Sold

5 Most Expensive Things Ever Sold

These things are very expensive, so they are the most, you'll know them and may you excuse who paid for them:

5 - Drawing: Raphael’s head of a Muse: price $ 47.9 million

The ‘Head of a Muse’ which is a black chalk drawing on paper was sold by Christie’s pro a whopping $47.9 million, setting a confirmationmation in public sale history, back in 2009. The head of a Muse drawing is the following generally expensive drawing in the public sale history.

4 - Sculpture:  L’Homme qui marche(walking man) 1959–60 : price  $  65  million

L'Homme Qui Marche 1 (or The Walking man 1), a bust monument of a lone man in mid-stride, exceeded its estimated fee tag as a Brazilian generous contributor, Lily Safra, bought the bring about pro 65 million GBP by Sotheby's public sale in  London continue February 3, 2010.
The Walking man 1 represents the pinnacle of Giacometti’s experimentation with the creature form, combining a monumental, grand size with a rich rendering of the go up.

3 - Painting no 5, 1948 price 140 $ million

Number 5, 1948 is a painting by Jackson Pollock, an American visual artist renowned pro his donations to the abstract expressionist movement. The painting was made on an 8' x 4' sheet of fiberboard, with thick amounts of brown and yellow paint drizzled on top of it, forming a nest-like advent. It was originally owned by Samuel Irving Newhouse, Jr. And displayed by the Museum of Modern knack previous to being sold to David Geffen and at that time allegedly to David Martinez in 2006 pro $140 million dollars, the highest fee always paid by public sale pro a painting, to an unknown buyer.

2 - House Antillian Mumbai : Price $ 2 billion

Designed by Chicago based architects “Perkins and Will”. Its name derived from the mythical atlantic island of Antilla. It is a residential complex which belonged to Mukesh Ambani, chairman of Reliance Industries, and claimed to be the generally expensive household upon earth, Antilla is a 27 story, 40,000 sq.Ft. Tower permanent tall by a height of in this area 570 feet higher than the ground level with an approximate interior interval of in this area 4, 00,000 sq ft.

1 - Yacht history supreme: Fee ($4.5 billion)

A gold-plated super-yacht is said to be worth a staggering £3 billion ($4.5 billion) , has taken the title of the generally expensive upon earth. It was designed by The UK renowned luxury goods designer Stuart Hughes who claims with the intention of the 30-meter long History Supreme yacht is ornamented with 100,000 kilograms of gold and platinum covering most of its surface and even comes with a effigy made from the bone of a T-Rex dinosaur.

5 important Facts about Afghan Hound Dog

5 important Facts about Afghan Hound Dog

1 - Afghan Hound is one of the oldest dog breeds; this distinctive and unique breed was found in the mountains in Afghanistan, dating back to 4,000 years BC. its native is Afghanistan and some claims that it was Sinai in Egypt. People in Afghanistan relied upon it since thousands of years in hunting where it appears in some pictures drawn in a cave went back about four thousand years ago as a decree appeared in some ancient Egyptian papyri.

2 - The most attractive feature of the Afghan hound is its elegance because of the long and soft coat everywhere which covers most of his body, but on the face and back, the coat is a little bit less.

3 -For its best qualities it dubbed by some as "King of the Dogs" as it is brave, has a noble appearance, intelligent, tends to live in the wide open spaces also tends to mingle with people and other dogs so it may not chasing strangers on the place of human beings.

4 - Afghan dog has a quiet personality inside the house, but as soon as it goes for a walk, it has a playful, active fighter personality and turns to be so fast so it cannot be prosecuted. Afghan Hound does not need a lot of exercise, where it is a fan of waiting on the couch and watching TV.

5 - Afghan hound always characterized by loyalty, but it is very sensitive dog and must be treated cautiously and carefully, especially from children though, it is usually tolerant with them.

5 Most dangerous animals upon earth

5 Most dangerous animals upon earth

We introduce for you five of the most dangerous animals upon earth, believe or not believe they are the most dangerous.

5 - Box Jellyfish

Number of victims of this creature are more than the annual number of victims of sharks, crocodiles and stone fish combined and this deadly family has been ranked as the most toxic creatures in the world, its venom is very strong indeed, and treated in dangerous situations by CPR.

4 - Brazilian Wandering Spider

According to Guinness World Records. Brazilian Wandering Spider is the most venom creature in the world. Usually they are found hiding in homes, cars and densely populated areas especially during daytime.

3 - Blue Ringed Octopus

Blue Ringed Octopus are as small as Gulf ball, but do not let the small size fool , as it carries inside it a quantity of venom which enough to kill 26 adult, and there's no antibiotics for its deadly venom, if it occurs and bites someone, the best way to survival alive are CPR, if not happen,  he'll  be paralyzed and would lose the ability to breathe after a few minutes.

2 - Tse Tse Fly

Tse Tse Fly is the large Blood-sucking fly, and it is the first carrier of African sleeping sickness, and therefore bears indirect responsibility for the killing of more than quarter of a million person each year.

1 - Mosquito

From the biggest animals to the smallest animals, the difference is t so big for Mosquito's sake, by indirect way is more fierce than elephants and the other creatures in that list, it is the deadliest, and it is responsible for deaths of more than 2 to 3million persons annually by transferring different diseases.

5 Most Dangerous Dogs Breeds in the World

5 Most Dangerous Dogs Breeds in the World

Any dog may be dangerous if  do not receive proper training, and each dog has a certain temperament and different properties require types of training to be controlled, and although the dog was described as a faithful friend to man, nevertheless there is a list of the fiercest and most dangerous dogs that can be defined today . We offer you 5 of this list, which begin with the least dangerous.

5 - Fila Brasileiro

It is a very fierce dog that cannot be controlled , and because of its size and ferocity many countries banned importing or feeding Fila Brasileiro.

4 - Chow Chow

It is also called the lion dog for its resembling with lion . it is a very aggressive though its beauty doesn’t reveal any aggressiveness or gnarl. it is a very dangerous dog as it was responsible for 383 deaths in the world between the year 1979 and 1998.

3 – Boxer


It is one of  the strongest and fiercest dogs breeds, one bite from it is enough to kill its prey, this dogs is classified as one of the most dangerous breeds, because it is very stubborn and very strong, making it more difficult to accept training, and if left to grow without training, it would turn into an aggressive dog to a great degree.

2 - German Shepherd

German Shepherd is one dog breeds with large size that originated in Germany. It was used as a police dog. Its bite is so strong with a force over 1060 newton. German shepherd was used in the wars all over the world because of its strength, intelligence and ease of training on human obedience.

1 - Caucasian ovcharka  or (Caucasian Shepherd)

Caucasian ovcharka is characterized by its enormity and enormous strength and its offensive fierce tendency that can fight to death if feeling a real threat to its owner or its guarded property.

5 best and strongest guard dogs in the world

5 best and strongest guard dogs in the world

We introduce in this list 5 of the best types of guard dogs, but we like to mention, that the strain is not enough to make a good guard dog, but good training and the environment of the dog and how the dog be treated are main factors in making a good guard dog. 

5 – Bullmastiff

Bullmastiff has a very balanced character, and usually responds quietly to different faces impressions. It is brave and very nice towards the family... It is also very affectionate and obedient. And very tolerant towards children.
It is a brave, sincere, and quiet, and loving to learn. it has a very strong protective instinct, however, it does not attack but for protection.

4 - American pitbull terrier

One of the fiercest dogs which fear all other dogs and is the dominant for everyone, it is a hybrid of several factions dog canine, strongly characterized by large massive strength as it was born only for fighting.
American pitbull distinguished from the other dog breeds that it does not leave it rival alive...

3 - German shepherd

It is a medium-sized dog famous for its straight standing.
German shepherded is distinguished with its intelligence, speed, strength and ease of training on human obedience, and it is one of the most popular animals in the world.
it has a rounded eyes and strong jaws and it heats outsiders and strangers.  

2 – Rottweiler

Rottweiler is one of the fiercest dogs in the world. It has powerful jaws, strong teeth and big mouth and body, and as a result of these strong characteristics it participated during the two world wars which was used to transfer the guard and first aid and for searching and rescue.
These dogs carry the aggressive instinct from its birth, but nevertheless they are fond of children, very obedient and love work.

1 - Caucasian Shepherd

Caucasian Shepherd is marked by its strong muscle, its short but heavy coat, and is one of the biggest dogs in the world. The Caucasian shepherd is one of the breeds which are difficult to be brought; it usually needs a strong trainer. It is very intelligent and has a fast reaction; it eats fast and loves playing as rolling on the grass. It is very sensitive for foreigners and can smell them very fast.