5 Most Dangerous Dogs Breeds in the World

5 Most Dangerous Dogs Breeds in the World

Any dog may be dangerous if  do not receive proper training, and each dog has a certain temperament and different properties require types of training to be controlled, and although the dog was described as a faithful friend to man, nevertheless there is a list of the fiercest and most dangerous dogs that can be defined today . We offer you 5 of this list, which begin with the least dangerous.

5 - Fila Brasileiro

It is a very fierce dog that cannot be controlled , and because of its size and ferocity many countries banned importing or feeding Fila Brasileiro.

4 - Chow Chow

It is also called the lion dog for its resembling with lion . it is a very aggressive though its beauty doesn’t reveal any aggressiveness or gnarl. it is a very dangerous dog as it was responsible for 383 deaths in the world between the year 1979 and 1998.

3 – Boxer


It is one of  the strongest and fiercest dogs breeds, one bite from it is enough to kill its prey, this dogs is classified as one of the most dangerous breeds, because it is very stubborn and very strong, making it more difficult to accept training, and if left to grow without training, it would turn into an aggressive dog to a great degree.

2 - German Shepherd

German Shepherd is one dog breeds with large size that originated in Germany. It was used as a police dog. Its bite is so strong with a force over 1060 newton. German shepherd was used in the wars all over the world because of its strength, intelligence and ease of training on human obedience.

1 - Caucasian ovcharka  or (Caucasian Shepherd)

Caucasian ovcharka is characterized by its enormity and enormous strength and its offensive fierce tendency that can fight to death if feeling a real threat to its owner or its guarded property.

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