5 Most dangerous animals upon earth

5 Most dangerous animals upon earth

We introduce for you five of the most dangerous animals upon earth, believe or not believe they are the most dangerous.

5 - Box Jellyfish

Number of victims of this creature are more than the annual number of victims of sharks, crocodiles and stone fish combined and this deadly family has been ranked as the most toxic creatures in the world, its venom is very strong indeed, and treated in dangerous situations by CPR.

4 - Brazilian Wandering Spider

According to Guinness World Records. Brazilian Wandering Spider is the most venom creature in the world. Usually they are found hiding in homes, cars and densely populated areas especially during daytime.

3 - Blue Ringed Octopus

Blue Ringed Octopus are as small as Gulf ball, but do not let the small size fool , as it carries inside it a quantity of venom which enough to kill 26 adult, and there's no antibiotics for its deadly venom, if it occurs and bites someone, the best way to survival alive are CPR, if not happen,  he'll  be paralyzed and would lose the ability to breathe after a few minutes.

2 - Tse Tse Fly

Tse Tse Fly is the large Blood-sucking fly, and it is the first carrier of African sleeping sickness, and therefore bears indirect responsibility for the killing of more than quarter of a million person each year.

1 - Mosquito

From the biggest animals to the smallest animals, the difference is t so big for Mosquito's sake, by indirect way is more fierce than elephants and the other creatures in that list, it is the deadliest, and it is responsible for deaths of more than 2 to 3million persons annually by transferring different diseases.

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